Friday, March 24, 2006


I'm off to the JPPA tonight for the Night-Before-The-2006-Japan-Poker-Championship party! I'll also be meeting up with Tokyo's newest poker blogger, since it seems like a good opportunity to introduce him to the thriving (THRIVING!) poker culture here.

Tonight the Card Player guests will give several talks. Linda Johnson and Jan Fisher will be speaking on "Poker and Television", Mark Gregovich will be speaking on "Poker Players", and Bluejay will be speaking with an unnamed foreigner guest on "Japanese players and overseas poker tournaments".

That last one certainly piques my interest. Bluejay seems to know quite a few name poker pros, and has said that some of them have expressed interest in coming to visit Japan. I won't get my hopes up too high, but I am very curious who the secret guest could be.

I told Mike that "a poker game might even break out" after the talks, but I'm not sure how likely that really is. Sounds like we'll have a busy evening already, and Bluejay may have plans to go out with the foreigner guests afterwards. We'll see. I have already warned my GF that I'll be out late, so if plans at the poker room dry up, Roppongi beckons. If Mike hasn't been, someone's gotta take him. It's a moral imperative. He's a foreigner guy in Tokyo... he's gotta go to Roppongi! It's in The Code!

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